love fearlessly...

love fearlessly...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

morning blues...

March 1, 2009. As of today I am three weeks behind in rent, have a disconnected phone, no cable, and a piece of chinese fried chicken and a bowl of rice pilaf in my fridge. Oh, "I'm sorry." How could I forget the half way full box of cream of wheat in the cabinet that tastes like slop unless there's actually sugar or fruit in it. I actually love it with raisins which I have none of, that nor the sugar. So for the past couple of days my stomach has been waging wars against me because I don't think she likes the idea of all of this, kicking and punching like she's sharing it with a fetus, sending messages to my mind that says she's had it and my mind agrees because he teamed up with the b**** and decided that he was going to raise even more hell and give me debilitating migraines.

p.s. on the flip side I have realized by having recent interactions with a great male friend of mine that it has become very easy for me to love men that I connect with positively, they could simply be friends and I will express my emotions, not being in love but loving their personalities, their spirits, and the fact that they care for me & allow themselves to share their deepest thoughts and secrets with me. It can be a weird thing, also risky, but I guess that shouldn't matter right? Love is Freedom. Freedom is Love.

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